Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Tour of Stanford University

A Tour of Stanford

Everywhere you look at Stanford - 
 you'll see the Hoover Tower,


The message of peace, gives it, all of its power,

But when I take a walk around Stanford, which I love to do,


It's the arches and columns I love to see,

and the fountains too.

Of course seeing Memorial Church is worth the trip


And the Old Union

 and Encina Hall will also make you flip.

What beauty - What grace bless these hallowed halls,

What great people are studying and working behind the golden walls. 

I was lucky enough to work at Stanford University for 16 years.  Some days the highlight of my day was taking a walk around campus, some days it was meeting all of the wonderful people who worked on campus.  While working on campus, I looked forward to going to work every day.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day

I Often Go Walking -

The children at our church sing this song for Mother's Day and every year it reminds me of the wonderful things my mother passed on to me.  I can name many of the flowers and trees in my garden because of my mother. She passed on her love of nature to all of her daughters.

I often go walking in meadows of clover,
I gather armfuls of blossoms of blue.
I gather the blossoms the whole meadow over,

Dear Mother the flowers remind me of you.
Oh Mother I give my love with each flower,
To give forth a fragrance a whole lifetime through;
For if I love blossoms and meadows and walking,

I learn how to love them dear Mother from you.